About EVA foam

EVA foam is a famous material for cosplay.
Following weapons and armors are made from EVA foam.

*How to make this example is here.

*How to make this example is here(sword armor).

*How to make this example is here.

*How to make this example is here.

-What's EVA foam
EVA foam is a soft material.
You can process it easily.
Another name is EVA board, EVA zote, Craft foam etc.
It's sold in Amazon or AliExpress etc.

Watch this video.

There are some thick and size.
Following information is about "Lion board".

[2mm thick]
45×45cm 300Yen (about 130Yen = 1dollar)
90cm×90cm 700Yen (about 130Yen = 1dollar)

[5mm thick]
45×45cm 460Yen (about 130Yen = 1dollar)
90cm×90cm 1200Yen (about 130Yen = 1dollar)

[10mm thick]
45×45cm 840Yen (about 130Yen = 1dollar)

There are other thick commody.
But I use only 1.5mm or 2mm thick, 5mm thick, 10mm thick.

-Proper use of thick for armors

When make armors, 5mm thick is mainly used.
1.5mm or 2mm thick is used only for ornament.
Most of 10mm thick is not used.

This armors is made from only 5mm thick.
*How to make this example is here.

This shoulder armors is also made from only 5mm thick.
Boader is alos 5mm thick.
*How to make this example is here.

In the case of this armor,5mm thick is mainly used.
1.5mm or 2mm thick is used only for ornament.
*How to make this example is here.

-Proper use of thick for weapons
In the case of this weapon,there is not pattern of proper use.
The right man in the right place.
*How to make this example is here(sword sheath).

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Attention in the work
-When you uses a thing including the thinner(Bond, lacquer thinner etc) or spray, make good ventilation.
And wear a gas mask.

-When you toast mterials etc, make good ventilation.
And don't breathe smoke, don't put smoke in your eyes.

-When you dig mterials etc with Soldering iron, make good ventilation.
And don't breathe in smoke, don't put smoke in your eyes.

-Don't use fire near the things which are easy to burn such as paint, thinner etc.

-When you finished using tools, pull an outlet.

-Read labels of materials and tools, and understand how to use.

-If accedents happens, it's self-responsibility. Keep safety environment.

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